Monday, October 26, 2020

Ignorance You Can Count On

The media are human. They make mistakes. We expect "journalists" to give us the facts and to know what they are talking about. Sometimes, their ignorance of a subject ruins an otherwise good story.  

Here's the issue, kids: BB guns don't shoot "bullets". They shoot, wait for it, BB's. Little round balls that anyone who has viewed the Christmas classic movie "Christmas Story" would know. 

Let's all say the classic line, together: "you'll shoot your eye out, kid".

For the kids in the news room, here's a visual:

For comparison, check the news story in the Auburn Star, it makes no mention of "bullets":

The kids in the WANE 15 news room must have "created" the "bullets" reference on their own...from their "real world" experience with the workings of the world. (sarcasm light is illuminated).


  1. "BB gun bullets..." I know Bobby G is chuckling in heaven at that one...

  2. But some shotguns shoot "BB's" as well!
