Thursday, February 16, 2023

What's Happened at WPTAABC21Alive?

WPTAABC21Alive makes the occasional typo or fat-finger error, like the majority of media outlets.

But recently, WPTAABC21Alive's reporting has been progressively worse.

These are a couple current instances along with the Maven's sarcastic remarks:

Maybe WPTAABC21Alive should focus on quality rather than quantity given that it broadcasts morning news in addition to 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, and 11pm.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

One More Example Why Local TV News Stinks

The Maven has received some "pushback" about comments critical of a WPTA ABC21Alive story on their official website. Here is the story, with some comments from the Maven. 

According to an email sent to, the Maven is accused of ridiculing and hurting the feelings of the young writer of the story. Boo hoo. 

Even those individuals with a Ball State degree will note that the example the Maven used to criticize this news story does NOT contain the name of the writer. So, claiming someone has been ridiculed is childish and not germane to this discussion. Nice try. 

The actual purpose of the criticism is to, once again, point out that local TV stations do not work to grow and expand the skills and experience of their young talent. Instead, local TV stations simply take these "green" college graduates and throw them to the wolves. News stories like this one are a perfect example.