Wednesday, January 15, 2020

WPTA Makes A Good Hire

The folks in Quincy, Illinois have finally swerved into the reality that there is no substitute for genuine talent. 

After more than a few "questionable hires", IE Baba, Baha, whatever, Eldon (who refused to work weekends), Carlo the weather dude (that pissed himself during a tornado outbreak) and a few others, WPTA ABC21'a owners have finally made a good hiring decision.

Adding Krista Miller to the female anchor position at WPTA ABC21 should have happened years ago...before the "News-whisperer" and the recent "Stuble-lina" woman ever occupied the air chair. 

Ms. Miller has a solid radio background, giving her the ability to adlib around the on-air live technical glitches that WPTA ABC21 is known for. 

In addition, Ms. Miller already knows how to pronounce the names of local streets, towns, and newsmakers. Her cool demeanor and previously mentioned radio experience will ensure we'll never have another embarrassing episode of "active shooter" panic broadcast as we endured with Alexis Gray Shear. 

Finally, the Maven is comforted to know that Ms. Miller will probably never tell WOWO's Pat Miller that "her newscasts save lives", even if riddled with misinformation and conjecture.

The Maven is confident this is a good move for the station's news credibility and hopes that her polished professionalism will rub off on her anchor buddy and husband and cure his occasional stumbles.

1 comment:

  1. Oddly enough, Carlos the Weather Guy now works in Oklahoma of all places, the tornado capital of America.
