Saturday, December 1, 2018

Lights On, Nobody Home

It's one thing when the crusty old Media Maven throws rocks at local media, but it's quite another when regular viewers take the trouble to whine and complain. 

From a friend's Facebook page:

Local media, especially TV, no longer holds a crown of credibility. 

In the quest for higher profits, lower operating expenses and more profit for ownership/stockholders, many once-proud journalistic operations have been reduced to cut-and-paste stenographic services. Most local TV news is an endless stream of press release rewrites and worthless feature stories provided by out-of-market sources. 

When regular viewers/users of media notice and feel the effects of cheap-skate operators, it's only a matter of time before advertisers will start to notice. 


  1. The advertisers don't care about this kind of stuff. The business owners either believe whatever the sales person tells them, or in most cases, the business owner has placed themselves in the advertisement as an ego trip, and won't give that "public recognition" up anytime soon.

  2. FWMM:
    Well stated.
    I also agree w/ Eric on this...quite right.

    Stay safe out there.
