Thursday, March 20, 2025


Here's an opportunity for our local media to do their jobs.

A study was commissioned to determine if a 60 million dollar "Field House" should be built on the old OmniSource property north of downtown. 

Here's how WANE-15 portrays the funding of the "study":

And here's how the Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne's last remaining daily print journalists, reported on who paid for the "study":

It would be nice if our local journalists could get clarification on who exactly paid for the research and whether taxpayer money was involved.

Why is this important? 

If the City paid for the study, the credibility of the findings of the study/report could be suspect and seen as a justification for moving the project forward.  

On the other hand, if the study/report were paid for by an independent group or organization, those results might be viewed as more "objective".

So, the Maven will wait for the clarification.