Friday, February 12, 2021

Local Media To The Rescue

This news story is questionable, on more than a few levels.

First is the curious timing of the publication of the story which seems to be a "favor" designed to deflect attention and shield the Henry administration from criticism.

Second, the story can be seen as slanted and faulty making a claim not substantiated by those who were interviewed and appears to include conclusions by the reporter. 

Just days after Mayor Tom Henry faced criticism that his State Of The City Address appeared to only give tepid "lip service" to Fort Wayne's homeless situation, WPTA ABC21 publishes an emotional story advancing the premise that the majority of homeless people in Fort Wayne are children, specifically under the age of 10 years old. A coincidence? Or did the City public information flacks plant this story to divert attention from the Henry administration's apparent view that homeless people are nothing more than an inconvenience to the redevelopment of downtown and are someone else's problem. 

Now, about the story itself. It is defective, making conclusions not supported by those interviewed. 

While that assertion may be true, none of the "advocates" that WPTA ABC21's Krista Miller interviewed provided those figures or that conclusion. Clearly it's an opinion offered by the reporter as a "fact" designed to tug at heart strings and deflect criticism.

As for those interviewed, it appears that WPTA ABC21 was directed toward hand-picked "advocates" who are closely aligned with the Henry administration and receive some sort of benefit from the City. Note the quote from Ms. Fabian mentioning the City's funding involvement (including adding an additional day to the month of April). 

WPTA ABC21 seems to ignore other organizations that provide food, clothing, guidance, and other assistance to the Fort Wayne homeless population. Why were they not interviewed, and who provided WPTA ABC21 with the names of those to interview? 

The Maven wonders if Krista Miller and WPTA ABC21 had reached out to those other advocates and organizations, then their public relations effort to rehabilitate the image of the Henry administration would have crumbled, and the truth would be known. Fort Wayne's very own humanitarian crisis is only viewed by the City as an inconvenience to downtown redevelopment. People living and sleeping on the streets in freezing weather...not the optics the City wants or desires.

For sure, John Perlich has Krista Miller on his speed dial and WPTA ABC21 in his pocket.

The story is here:

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