Saturday, October 19, 2019

Playing Dumb or Just Being Dumb

For lack of a better description, the Journal-Gazette is the default news source for many in the area and is the default news source/roadmap/assignment editor for all other media outlets in town. 

Having lived in that honored position for decades, the Maven wonders why blunders like below are allowed to make it into print and online. For the record, Tom Henry had two candidates challenging him in primary election. One of those candidates, Gina Burgess posted this on her Facebook page, and the Maven is posting it with her permission.

Given that the Journal Gazette has been accused of being the official public relations arm of the Allen County Democratic Party for years, why would the JG allow themselves to criticism and/or scorn for making such a ridiculous and correctable error concerning their candidate Tom Henry? Is the headline supposed to make incumbent Henry seem more electable since he "had no Primary challenger" instead of Tim Smith who had to deal with Dr. Crawford in the Republican primary?

Is the JG trying to manipulate the voters, or maybe there is no more explanation than "we screwed up".

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a mistake is just a mistake. That's what the JG said when they accidentally named Ms. Burgess as a Republican in early candidate profiles. 

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