Tuesday, December 19, 2017

WANE TV Cited Site Sighted Moving Mercer County

Uh, kids....there is NO Mercer County in Indiana. The closest one is in OHIO.

And then the sight of the cited site:


  1. I was going to congrats the cops for siting speed, which would be hard to do... but that wasn't quite right either, I guess...

  2. FWMM:
    Well, we "could" say that the letter C and letter S are pretty CLOSE on the keyboard...LOL
    (but we won't, right?)

    Good catch there.

    Stay safe

  3. ...And I forgot to mention that I thought there was no Mercer County in IN...I even checked the map.
    Mercer Cty IS still in Ohio (not that far east of Portland, INDIANA.
    Someone needs to check their Rand-McNally (often).

    Nice call.

    Stay safe out there.
