Sunday, January 1, 2017

MapQuest Much?

Sunday's Journal Gazette story about Fort Wayne's record murder rate included a handy little map, showing the location of each murder. There are lots of pins on the map, 48 to be exact. 

While the story is complete and accurate, the map the Journal Gazette created for this story has one flaw. 

According to the Journal Gazette, there are two "Wayne" streets. One runs east-west through downtown, and the other runs north-south beginning at Taylor.

Apparently, someone at the Journal Gazette is a complete idiot. The street downtown is, indeed, Wayne Street. However, the thoroughfare that begins at Taylor and runs south is South Wayne Avenue. Most school children and a few journalists know this fact, but the Journal Gazette is either sloppy or ignorant.

The Maven wonders why the Journal Gazette didn't simply use a Google Map or MapQuest, which already have the correct street names in place. Is it a question of licensing fees? Or was it cheaper to have a graphic artist whip up a quick map at deadline?

Either way, the Journal Gazette looks foolish, once again. 

1 comment:

  1. FWMM:
    Nice find.
    I'm not originally from here, so I hope I can plead ignorance this ONE time...heh.
    (I now know the difference, thanks)
    Have a great new year and keep a sharp eye out for all the goof-ups that we KNOW are coming from the usual sources.

    Stay safe out there.
