Friday, March 14, 2014

If You Were From Around Here, You Would Know That, #26

The Maven presents another installment of "If You Were From Around Here, You Would Know That"Today is chapter #26 in a continuing series.

The offender is a "fluff" piece about the Downtown Improvement District's new offices at 904 South Calhoun. In it, writer Jaclyn Goldsborough waxes eloquently and with great awe describing the finer points of the new space. 

To further amplify her point, Jaclyn points out that the new venue offers "a scenic view of Freimann Square" which she notes is "the popular park for many D.I.D. events such as Lunch on the Square and Buskerfest." (street performers we shoo away the other 51 weeks of the year).

Uh, just one problem, Jaclyn. NEITHER of those events take place at Freimann Square. A quick read of the D.I.D. pamphlets indicate those events took/take place at Wayne and Calhoun, in the shadow of One Summit Square in a quaint, well-maintained grassy park area. Freimann Square, on the other hand is north and east of the 904 South Calhoun address.  Unless someone decides to move Lincoln Tower or chooses to add 19 stories to the D.I.D. office building, Freimann can't even be seen from the new office.

The bottom line, kids, if you're going to work in the media in this town, it would be helpful if you would learn the names of the streets, the names of the local politicians, and the names of the local bars. Because if you screw up the first two, chances are you'll want to be able to locate the last one.

And shame, as well, to the News Sentinel for the lack of editorial oversight and non-existent proof reading that should have stopped this piece of "journalism" from ever making it to a press or web page. Perhaps the only reason this "fluff" article exists to to guarantee the New Sentinel gets a part of the D.I.D. advertising budget, this year. Not sure if that's going to happen, now. 

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