Thursday, March 20, 2014

How News Is Manufactured

There was a time when journalists cultivated news sources and worked "beats" in order to create news stories. The journalist would interview people, gathering and noting facts. Then, using established writing formats/styles, would weave these many pieces of information into a coherent, factual, balanced and compelling news story. 

Unfortunately, we no longer live in those times. 

Now, a news writer (using the term loosely, here) takes a Press Release that's been sent by email, US Mail, or found on a website, and then copy and pastes the information into their computer making a few meaningless changes, appends their name to the story, and then publishes it as their own work. It's perfectly legal, but, then again, so farting in public. 
A Press Release like this:
With a few minor changes becomes are radio news story like this:
See for yourself with the Maven's exclusive side-by-side comparison. Parts in yellow indicate the insignificant changes made by the news writer (again, using that term loosely):

Now, before the kids out on Maples Road get their panties in a wad, the Maven is only using WOWO News as an example. The practice of relying on Press Releases, as opposed to actual news gathering, is a wide-spread industry malady. Even the esteemed Journal Gazette does this, however they have enough class and dignity to label Press Releases as provided by the entity that wrote them. You've, no doubt seen their "Vertabim" features in the paper? While it's not quite journalism, it's also not quite as slothful as their media colleagues. 

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