Monday, February 10, 2014

Not Letting A Good Crisis Go To Waste

Studying the Media also includes examining how others use the Media to their advantage. 
Something as simple as a power failure that causes the early dismissal of school kids can be exploited to further one's public relations goals. 
Fort Wayne Community Schools spokesperson Krista Stockman deserves credit for spinning an early dismissal announcement into another cry for more capital improvement money for Fort Wayne's ailing school infrastructure. 

The highlighted line is a stroke of PR genius, constantly reminding the voters of FWCS's need for more money. And, of course, the media simply repeats what they are told, and never questions FWCS. It's a cozy relationship to say the least. 


  1. FWMM:
    Great call on this one...
    Thought the taxpayers already cioughed up a crapload of moolah on school repairs?
    They need MORE?
    (talk about a NEVERENDING story...where's their good lick dragon?)

    Cozy doesn;t begin to cover it.
    Stay safe.
