Monday, July 16, 2012

122 Minutes of Voyeur Radio.....

122 minutes of Gary Snyder is all the Maven could take. It's clear that Gary's tryout for WOWO's 3-6pm talk program has one main focus. 
It's all about Gary. 

In those 122 minutes, Gary spoke with a number of "guests", yet never allowed WOWO listeners to call in and question the guest, or even make supportive comments. 

Mr. Snyder did take phone calls, but only after the "guest" had left the air. Most callers sounded like Gary's poker buddies following instructions written for them on bar napkins, the remainder seemed to be clueless people who enjoy hearing themselves talk on the radio.  

Is there a place within the media for something like the Gary Snyder show? Of course, Gary would make a fine Public Access Cable TV host who plays big band records in his underwear while smoking cheap cigars. 
Oh, sorry about that, we already have a guy that does that. 

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