Sunday, October 24, 2021

WANE-15's Language Problem

Regular readers to this blog no doubt know that the Maven firmly believes that there's a "language" problem at WANE-15. 

Sometimes it just a minor bobble, like Saturday night's newscast where the young woman anchor substituted the word "disregarded" for "discarded" when wrapping up a package about local authorities gathering old, and out-dated prescription drugs.
Then there's the poor choice of wording when one is trying to be "creative" or "cute".

On Friday night's 6:00pm newscast, Sports Geek Colton Howard reminded us he would have the results of tonight's other "juicy" match-ups from local High School football games on the Highlight Zone at 11:00pm.
It was clear that Mr. Howard did not "mis-speak" and using word "juicy" was clearly his intent. It sounded odd, and perhaps, slightly inappropriate.
In nearly seven decades of following sports and reporting sports, the Maven does not recall ever seeing, hearing, or reading the word "juicy" to describe an athletic event