Sunday, August 29, 2021

A couple of readers have emailed to ask "why so quiet, has local TV news improved"? 

The simple answer is no. It's just that the Maven has been paying less attention to the nightly disaster most call a "newscast" and spending more time living a life not attached to a TV set. 

Study after study has shown that local TV news is no longer considered top-of-mind to viewer's as it was a decade ago.  Like many in the audience the Maven just don't consider it a priority. It never changes FUBARs and all. 

So, just what did the Maven miss this past week? Just the usual...

WANE-15's Josh Ayen's reading a press release from the studio as if he has discovered the information on his own.

WPTA ABC21's Brien McElhatten's faux compassion dripping in his voice as he reads a story, but his facial expressions indicate he has gas in his lower tract.

Live "on scene" reporters essentially repeating the "toss" from the anchors. Usually this consists of the anchor saying, "now live to John Doe at the Coliseum" and the reporter nodding his/her head responding with "yes, that 's right, I'm John Doe at the Coliseum". Or, even worse, WANE-15's Chris Darby and WPTA ABC21's Jeff Neumeyer both mumbling "yeah..." and then presenting their stories. 

Something else the Maven missed is WANE-15's Colton Howard "yelling" the sports at the camera. 

Then, there's WPTA ABC21's Kaitlyn Kendall getting lost reading the business news and creating words that don't exist in the language. 

And then there's WFFT 55's 10 pm nightly newscast, that no one seems to remember is on. 

No, local TV news is not improving, it's just that it's proved to be an option, rather than a priority in people's lives. 


Monday, August 2, 2021

No-Show at the Car Show

This weekend's Annual Crimestoppers Car Show was well-attended by lots of folks...except the local media. 

This is a real head-scratcher for the Maven. Usually car shows attract large crowds, and offer TV stations plenty of visual content. 

So, for your listening and dancing pleasure, the Maven presents this Top Ten List direct from the home office in Tunker, Indiana:

Top Ten Reasons Fort Wayne Media Ignored the Annual Crimestoppers Car Show this weekend. 

10. "All our reporters went to Lallapaloosa in hopes of getting lucky. We were short-staffed." 

9. "Only old, blad, fat, white guys go to these events. Not our target audience".

8. "All that chrome would throw off too much glare, and damage our cameras".

7. "Does not help us advance the Defund The Police Movement we are told to support by local influencers."

6. "The cars run on fossil fuels and add to the carbon footprint."

5. "The cars were produced way before our reporters and anchors were born. They cannot relate"

4. "Was there free food and an open bar? We would have been there".

3. "Was the Mayor scheduled to appear? We always cover him, it's a state law".

2. "We heard that the General Mad Anthony Wayne guy was gonna be there".

Drumroll: And the number one reason Fort Wayne Media Ignored the Annual Crimestoppers Car Show this weekend: 

"Honestly, the dog ate the press release and pissed on the hand-outs. Sorry."