Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Primary Night 2016

Primary Night 2016....

...Eric DeFreeuw talking at top speed, leaving sylables half spoken.

...a generic, local, female reporter juxtaposing candidates and their respective parties twice in her first paragraph.

...Democrat party operative Andy Downs masquerading as an objective political expert. Oh, Andy, please buy a tie. Tommy Schrader can offer some fashion tips.

....Jeff Neumeyer reporting live from an empty Republican Headquarters, but reassuring us that hours ago the place was packed. Really, it was, until everyone took off for Club Soda and left Jeff and is iPhone to wait for his 11pm live shot. 

And then there's the curious crawler appearing on WANE TV early in the evening which stated "Bernie Sanders has an 11,000 vote lead on Hillary Clinton, but Clinton-supporting counties yet to be counted". Then a few hours later, the crawler reported a 33,000 vote lead for Bernie. The Maven wonders, along with the kids in the WANE TV newsroom, just when those "Clinton" counties are going to kick in. 

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