Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Now, That's Reporting....Not!

It's no secret that the city's chest-thumping, self-promoting beacon of news and information, Marconi-award winning radio station does little or no original news reporting. Instead the once-revered WOWO news room merely regurgitates the work of other media outlets "from our partners in news at (21Alive, the Journal-Gazette, the Hooterville World-Guardian, etc)". 

WOWO also has an annoying habit of passing off press releases as their own reporting. 

Here's a text-book example: 

So, what's wrong with this? While it's not criminal, it is lazy, it's bad journalism, and to some in the business might say it's fraud. While the Maven won't go quite that far, the Maven will agree that it's lazy and does not serve the audience well because it's not an honest attempt to inform and entertain, it's merely going through the motions of being a public relations megaphone for IFPW. 

The Maven has always concluded that the Marconi judges must have been well-toasted (read: drunk) during the judging for this "award". 



  1. But it has the potential to reduce spelling mistakes they woulda made...

  2. FWMM:
    Hey, Chris has a point, given the "expertise" of those doing the cut and paste...I mean "reporting".
