Thursday, January 30, 2014

Social Media and Nut Cases

Does the company or enterprise you work for have a dedicated Social Media employee conduct policy? These policies are designed so that low level employees (representing or seeming to represent their employer) are discouraged from making complete and utter asses of themselves while, at the same time, painting their employer as a cadre of buffoons and idiots. 
It's apparent the Combined Communications Partnership, which provides public safety dispatching for Fort Wayne, Allen County and other agencies, does not have a Social Media policy. 

Yes, this young woman (commenting on WANE TV's Facebook page) called the people who pay her salary and who she is paid to serve, the criminally offensive name "nut cases". The Maven reminds you that this the public sector....where no one has to make a profit and no one has to compete for someone's business. This is the public sector where the customer is free to be abused and has no recourse. Your tax dollars at work. 


  1. It's not worth the trouble. A civil servant protected by politics and politicians. Remember, "you cant fight city hall", applies here.

  2. (first time commenter here - nice blog)
    You might not be able to "fight" (per se) City Hall...BUT, you can call them OUT for such behavior...every...single...time.
    Toss enough at THOSE walls, and SOME of it WILL stick.

    I will admit some of the dispatchers LOBE to play "twenty questions" with you while you ATTEMPT to tell them in a proper manner WTH is happening and WHERE to send the FWPD.
    That gets annoying REAL fast (to me).

    Good post.
    Stay safe.

  3. Face it, FWMM, you ARE a nut case. You always fought to sit on the Linda Ronstadt stoll every time we went to that bar I can't remember the name of..

  4. You know me too well, Mark. At least I didn't lick the leather seat.....
