Friday, January 31, 2014

Slim and None

Cliches are the death of any form of writing. WOWO News seems to be elevating that to an art form. Here are a couple of examples within the last 24 hours. Don't worry, there are many more, but these will make the Maven's point.

Slim and none, it's that credibility thing, again. Just going through the motions until that lucrative City/County PIO job opens up, or a local hospital needs a PR flack. 

Don't hold your breath, kiddies. Saurez and Perlich have those jobs all sewn up. 

1 comment:

  1. FWMM:
    Glad you ALSO know the "John & Frank" show all too mouthpieces the city's G.O.B. (good old boys) can BUY (with OUR money)
    Guess we can toss in Krista Stockman and Mike Joyner too...just for argument sake.

    Stay safe out there.
