Thursday, July 18, 2013


Next to surly waiters and proctologists with cold hands, nothing irritates the Maven more than 'lazy journalism'. 

Here's the issue: WANE TV's "b roll" file footage of a portion of the Allen County Council's meeting today, contains three Council members who are no longer Council members. Mae Johnson, Paul Moss and Paula Hughes are not current members of the Allen County Council. Yet, WANE TV, by not labeling the photo as "file" footage, implies that the photo is of today's meeting. You can call it deceptive, a lie, or an incredibly inept mix up, but in the final analysis, it's a credibility killer. 

Here's the webpage:

A closer look with the former Council members identified. 

Our thanks to an eagle-eyed friend for the tip......

1 comment:

  1. You'd think that a NEWS organization might time-stamp their photo morgue. Ah, well...
