Tuesday, September 11, 2012

NBC's "Boobs" Take the Heat Off The Journal Gazette

9/12 Update:
Not really sure if it was planned or not, but the Journal did feature a nice "follow up" this morning about how people remembered the 9/11 attacks on the front page of the paper. While the skeptical among us may use the familiar phrase of  "a day late and a dollar short", the Journal recovered from yesterday's affair nicely. One of our friends, who called the publisher's office yesterday to complain reached a rather rude gentleman who asked "how did you get this number", to which our friend replied: "it's printed in the paper". "Oh" was his response. I guess they ivory tower isn't used to taking reader's phone calls. 

Original post:
Fort Wayne's "progressive" newspaper, the Journal Gazette, did not print one word or picture about 9/11 on their front page this morning. Social media types caught this insult and after a number of calls to the publisher's office, the JG felt compelled to tweet a message to their followers that their 9/11 coverage could be found on page 3A inside the paper. Then, magically around 10:30am the JG website was revised to direct readers to their 9/11 stories. While the Maven was amazed that nearly every newspaper in the country found space on page one for 9/11, the Journal, ever the contrarian, stuffed their 9/11 stories inside. At least they avoided placing them deeper inside with the auto repair, pest exterminator and handjob parlor ads as they did with the Pearl Harbor observance stories last year. How nice. 

But, the Journal really owes a debt of gratitude to the  NBC Today Show. Why? Well NBC found an even better way to trivialize this day of quiet reflection and memory. 

As has been the tradition, the nation pauses for a moment of silence at around 8:46am, the time the first hijacked airliner struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. Every major news network showed images of the President and First lady with head bowed appropriately. Other images showed a silent New York Stock Exchange trading floor, still, other images showed a Marine standing at attention. 

Then, there was NBC......who chose to ignore those somber scenes and instead,  proudly aired an interview with “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” star Kris Jenner, who talked about the new season of the reality show, and proudly showed off  her brand spanking new breast implants. Hooters vs heroes. Must be an NBC thing.

Real class, to say the least. Just another example of how far journalism has fallen from the ivory towers of truth and enlightenment to the gutter of filth and lowest common denominator. 

1 comment:

  1. And you wonder why NBC had only a 5% audience drop from Obama covention 2008 to 2012? Because Nobody Be Catchin'em.
