Saturday, March 24, 2012

Just How Many Rallies Were There On Friday At The Courthouse?

If you read each of these stories, you might conclude that there were, indeed, two rallies taking place at the Courthouse on Friday. 

One, was a small rally whose participants were concerned about religious freedom in our country. 

The second rally drew a much larger crowd to show their concern about contraception mandates. 

Truth is, there was one rally, but these two media outlets allowed their conflicting political agendas to color, twist, and slant their coverage. 

See if you agree....

Special thanks to our social media acquaintance for the tip....the Maven owes you some cookies.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Too Hip for Color TV......

Social Media in general, and Twitter in particular, are becoming a more effective way of redirecting audience to traditional media outlets. Many of those outlets do a great job using Social Media.

The News Sentinel, by the example below, seems to be having an issue integrating what appears to be today's hip street vernacular into their Twitter blasts. Fro-yo? What the hell is that? 

News Sentinel, please leave the trite and superficial to the TV stations.....they have elevated it to an art form.