Saturday, August 6, 2016

Obligatory WOWO Friday F* Up

(Yeah, they wrote it on Thursday...but the Maven saw it on Friday......)

They will blame the keyboard. 
They will blame the software.
They will blame auto-correct.
They will blame anything they want.
But they will never accept responsibility for the lack of focus, lack or detail, or lack of concern for their listeners/readers. 

How do simple, yet telling, blunders like this ever see the light of day? Easy. Management doesn't care. Just like the Home Comfort weather sponsorship commercial that continues crow that "winter is nearly over and summer is coming soon" ... as long as the ad dollars keep rolling in, why change anything?

1 comment:

  1. FWMM:
    And those "OOPS" moments roll on...
    (the N key & the R key are not next to one another on MY keyboard, either).

    Nice find.

    Stay safe out there.
